Rabbi David Flatto, Acting Associate Rabbi

Rabbi David Flatto HeadshotRabbi Dr. David Flatto received his B.A. and Ordination from Yeshiva University, his J.D. from Columbia University Law School, and his Ph.D. with distinction from Harvard University’s Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. A respected rabbi, scholar and educator, he served between 2000-2007 as a rabbi at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and the Ramaz Upper School.  In 2003 he was honored with a Teacher Recognition Award from the U.S. Department of Education.  Beyond his rabbinic scholarship, pastoral experience and community outreach in New York City, he is a popular lecturer at synagogues, adult-education programs, and campuses across the United States and Israel.  He is a professor of law and Jewish philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and a visiting scholar at Columbia University Law School. He previously was a professor of law and religion at Penn State University, a visiting professor and lecturer at University of Pennsylvania Law School, New York University Law School and Yeshiva University, and a visiting researcher at Yale Law School. His wide-ranging research interests include Jewish law and philosophy, constitutional law and theory, and comparative jurisprudence. His works have appeared in numerous scholarly publications including Harvard Theological Review, Yale Journal of Law and Humanities and the Journal of Law and Religion. He recently published a book entitled, The Crown and the Courts: Separation of Powers in the Early Imagination (Harvard University Press, 2020), and co-edited a forthcoming book entitled Law as Religion, Religion as Law (Cambridge University Press, 2022).  Rabbi Flatto and his wife, Yael, are very excited to rejoin the thriving and historic community of Park East Synagogue.