Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Park East Synagogue takes great pride in its hands-on Bar and Bat Mitzvah program.

We believe that Bar and Bat Mitzvot are special family occasions. Planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah may seem like a daunting task, but our excellent team here at Park East will work with you to make the process a simple, exciting, and enjoyable one. After all, becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is supposed to be a celebration of your child’s development into a proud young Jewish man/woman!

Therefore, we encourage you to let us know as soon as possible about the upcoming celebration, so we help guide your child in the best possible way for them.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Meet the Team
Rabbi SchneierToby & Rabbi Harold Einsidler, and Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky are all looking forward to getting to know you and your family! We can’t wait to learn together, pray together and welcome you as a full, responsible member of the Jewish Community!

Becoming Part of a Great Community
Membership is not just a symbolic connection; we at Park East Synagogue work to create an environment where lifelong friendships are made. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is not only a wonderful experience for your child, it also is an opportunity for parents to get involved in our community, and to participate in all aspects of Jewish life.

Guidance Throughout the Process
We know that many Synagogues have lengthy handbooks and strict rules when it comes to Bar/Bat Mitzvot, something that we don’t have. We believe that every family needs special individual care, in order to ensure that your celebration will reflect your unique voice.

Some people mistakenly think that the most important thing about preparing to be a bar mitzvah is learning how to read the Torah or Haftarah. While we do not underestimate its importance, we believe that it is even more important for a child to understand what they are reading and why they are praying. We work to make children feel comfortable in a Synagogue environment and to be proud of their identity and heritage. A Bar/Bat Mitzvah is not the end of your child’s Jewish education, it’s just the beginning!

We encourage your children to attend our Hebrew School or Sunday Shkola in order for them to get a more broad Torah education. If your child is enrolled in a Jewish Day School, then you’re good to go!

Torah Reading
For private Torah reading classes, please contact Rabbi Harold Einsidler, a legendary teacher, who has taught two generations of Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.

Devar Torah & Mitzvah Project
Giving a speech in front of our entire congregation is no easy task. Preparing the speech with Rabbi Einsidler will help alleviate children’s nerves, and ensure that the speech reflects your child’s thoughts and feelings. Rabbi Eindsidler will work to make sure your child understands the meaning of their parasha, the significance of the day, and the responsibilities that come with it. In the weeks leading up to the Bar Mitzvah, your child will get a special meeting with Rabbi Schneier to help prepare you for the great day.

Sweating The Details
Setting a date, reviewing invitations, customizing kippot, reserving Torah honors for family members, scheduling weekday family photo sessions in the sanctuary, preparing printed programs (if needed), and customizing the Kiddush are all additional aspects of planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Our team can help you with decisions regarding the event. If you have any more questions, please contact Toby Einsidler.